Courtney's Random Thoughts
Saturday, 22. January 2005
Current Stats, Not Goals

CW=?, too afraid to know



I have this entire semester ahead of me. I can do this. 6 days a week. I have no one motivating me or holding me back, but myself. I have to do it. If it happens without miana, then that's ideal. i must remember that drastic times call for drastic measures.

... Link

Tuesday, 22. June 2004

It seems like everyone is getting married these days. It's hard to take because everyone is becoming a big person and I'm not there yet. I'm still unsure of what I'm gonna be doing next year let alone 5 or 10 years.

I guess it's all hitting me hard since Natalie's wedding is in less than a month. I'm 21 years and I'm about to be in my second wedding. I hate this! Don't get me wrong, I love Natalie and Jesse to death and feel so honored that I'm in the wedding, but like Natalie isn't a big person. I don't want her to be one. What if it turns into the whole Jill thing and I never talk to Natalie again. Though, if I'm still friends with Amanda, which I'm sure I will be considering how things are lately, then I know I'll at least be able to keep in touch with Natalie because I'll have another person in the same boat. Then if Natalie has kids, that'll be so weird. She's only 21. She's like two months older than I am. She's getting married, graduating, and starting her new life. I'm still in school and will be for awhile. I'm not getting married anytime soon. After spending time with Mr. Baseball at home I started to think that maybe we were better for each other than I thought. Then something happened and I can't quite put my finger on it, but I know that I shouldn't even attempt it. It'd be leading him on again. Yeah, he's the one who I'm supposed to be with if we're still single at 25 (or is it 30), but like 25 is only a few years away and I don't want to settle. I learned what settling and ignoring warning signs did before and I don't want to make that mistake again.

I think many people keep seeing everyone getting engaged on at least engaging in long term relationships and they get jealous. They're in love with love. They start to put all these feelings onto some guy or girl because they want what everyone else has. It's so stupid and I refuse to do it. I would rather be alone forever than settle for mediocre. It's taken me a long time to realize that though.

So until then....I'll continue being in everyone's wedding and being happy for everyone....which is easier said than done, right?

... Link

Wednesday, 16. June 2004

Ten Things I Love:
1. sunshine
2. sleep
3. my family
4. my friends
5. beach
6. laughing
7. dreaming
8. my bed
9. love
10. being crazy

Nine Things I Miss:
1. my mom
2. my friends
3. money
4. being a kid
5. playing sports
6. having no responsiblity
7. easy classes
8. being skinny
9. uncle sam

Eight Things I Want To Do Eventually:
1. fall in love
2. be an actress
3. be a doctor (Ph.d)
4. have children
5. pay my parents back for college
6. visit Italy
7. buy a mercedes
8. have a plan

Seven Things I Dislike:
1. school
2. loneliess
3. being broke
4. 8 am classes
5. not knowing what will happen
6. disrespect
7. regrets

Six Songs I Can Hear Over and Over Again:
1. Amazing-Josh Kelly
2. Just Friends-Gavin
3. If You Could Only See-Tonic
4. Take My Breath Away-either version
5. Sitting on the dock of the bay-CCR
6. My Best Friend-Tim McGraw

Five Places I Love:
1. LaPorte, IN
2. Morehead, KY
3. Lake Michigan
4. any beach
5. my bed

Four Words That Describe Me:
1. Third.....see the book I AM THIRD
2. intense
3. driven
4. sensitive

Three Things I Want to Change:
1. my financial status
2. mw ....i can't tell you what that stands for
3. my mom's unhappiness

Two Kinds of People I Want to Disappear:
1. those w/ no regard for others
2. haters

One thing I Truly Want:
1. to be happy

... Link

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